Guidelines for the preparation and submission of manuscript
The Journal of Natural Resource Conservation and Management is an official online journal of the Academy of Natural Resource Conservation and Management (ANRCM). The journal is published bi-annually in English.
The Journal publishes research articles, review articles, short communications, and book reviews in the basic and applied aspects of natural resource conservation and management. Book reviews and review articles are generally considered by invitation only. Research articles and short communications should report the results of original work/investigation and case studies in Natural Resource Science or allied subjects. The Journal is managed by eminent experts in the field of Natural Resource Conservation and Management. The authors submitting manuscript to the journal should be members of ANRCM.
Scope of the journal
The journal focuses on all aspects of conservation and management of natural resources for sustainable development. The journal invites reports on both natural and managed ecosystems, and considers all pathways of interaction- environmental, economic, and social. It publishes scientific articles on:
- Assessment and sustainable management of natural resource base
- Degradation of natural resources and remediation measures
- Ecological assessments related to land use and land use change
- Soil erosion and control in relation to management
- Sustainable water use and water quality management
- Climatic influences on natural resources
- Policy issues in natural resource conservation
Preparation of Manuscript
The Manuscript must be within 12 typed pages with single line space, the font size of 12, and Times New Roman font, including tables, and figures.
Manuscripts should be prepared and submitted in the following order:
Title page
It would include the title of the article, name of the authors, full affiliation and addresses, email of the authors, and contact number of the corresponding author.
An abstract of the article should be provided preceding the main text. The abstract should be concise, informative, and must state the scope of the work, methodology, results, and conclusion. The length of the abstract should not exceed 250 words.
At least 4 and not more than 6 keywords be included.
Manuscript structure
The articles must be organized into the following sections: (i) Introduction including objectives (ii) Materials and Methods (iii) Results and Discussion,(iv) Conclusion, and (v) References.
If a table, figure, or any text with more than 200 words has been quoted from an earlier published work, permission may be obtained from the copyright holder and a copy of permission should be enclosed. Editors and publishers hold every responsibility in this matter and authors have sole responsibility for obtaining permission in writing for previously published or copyrighted information.
Copyright of the article will be with ANRCM upon acceptance of the article.
The abbreviations on their first appearance must be written out complete followed by their abbreviated form in parentheses ( ).
Tables and Figures:
Tables and figures are to be indicated by a number separately (eg Table 1), after the references section. All figures and tables must be cited in the text.
Citation of Sources:
Paraphrasing and referring to a previously published work must be accompanied with citation of source. The surname of the author and the year of publication may be inserted at the appropriate place as part of the narrative or in parentheses eg (Sharma, 2010) or (Sharma and Arora, 2014) or (Sharma et al., 2018).
The reference list at the end of the article should provide complete information necessary to identify and retrieve each source: Author/s, publication year, full title, publisher, etc. The references cited in the text must be listed alphabetically by the surname of the first author and presented in full at the end of the article. All references must have been cited in the text. Preferably, the preferences should be limited to the last 20 years. When a reference has more than one author, please list the names of all authors. The references should be ordered in a chronological sequence. References by the same author with the same publication year are arranged alphabetically by the title, and suffix a, b, c, and so on, are added to the year.
Jackson, M.L. (1973). Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Chopra, S.L. and Kanwar, J.S. (1999). Analytical Agricultural Chemistry, Kalyani Publisher, Ludhiana.
Article in an edited book
O’Neil, J.M. and Egan, J. (1992). Behavioral changes among farmers due to training in Krishi Vigyan Kendra. In: Kumar, S. (Ed.), Current Research University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, pp. 107–123.
Article from the web
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149.
Journal article (Endnote style: APA)
Bhardwaj, A.K., Kumar, R., Arora, S. and Singh, A.K. (2020). Sustainable natural resource management paradigms and research priorities in context to Indian agriculture. Journal of Natural Resource Conservation and Management, 1(1), 1-8.
Singh, Y.P., Singh, G., Mishra, V.K., Arora, S., Singh, B. and Gupta, R.K. (2018). Evaluation of multipurpose tree species for managing degraded sodic land ecosystem in Indo-Gangetic alluvial plains. Tropical Ecology, 59(4), 701-714.
Reference to a webpage
A webpage may be cited as: Author’s last name, initials, year, title, followed by the date of retrieval: Retrieved (date) from (website address).
The first author will receive on publication, one soft copy of the journal issue.
Submission of manuscript
At the time of submission, the authors must check the compliance of their manuscript with the following items. Authors not adhering to these guidelines may get their paper rejected immediately. The articles must be accompanied with author permission forms.
- The article is original and has not been published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- The submission file must be in Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) file format.
- The illustrations or graphs and figures/pictures have been provided in TIFF (Preferable), high-resolution JPG files, and MS-Excel.
- Where available, URLs for the references and DOI research papers should be provided.
- The text should adhere to the style and bibliographic requirements as mentioned in the guidelines.
- The manuscript is to be submitted on-line
- In case of any query related to manuscript submission, please contact Chief editor (
Peer review process
All papers which are submitted to the Journal of Natural Resource Conservation and Management are subject to single-blind peer review. The criteria for acceptance of articles in the Journal are topicality, clear and logical analysis, sound methodology, fairly good language (English), and contribution to the knowledge of the conservation of natural resources. The Editors reserve the right of editing the manuscript, returning it to the author for revision or rejecting it if found unsuitable in subject, style, or format before or after external review. The final discretion of acceptance or rejection is with the Chief Editor.
Plagiarism is highly discouraged by the journal and manuscripts may be subjected to plagiarism check during the process of review.
Copyright notice
The authors own the copyright of the manuscript only until the manuscript is accepted for publication. After the communication of acceptance, the copyright of the manuscript is transferred to ANRCM and should not be reproduced anywhere else without the written permission of the chief editor of JNRCM.
Privacy statement
The names and email addresses of the authors will be used exclusively for the stated purpose of JNRCM, and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
- ANRCM Best Research Paper Award has been instituted to recognize professionals, scientists and individuals for their significant research contributions submitted to the Journal of natural Resource Conservation and Management. The award will be conferred to one most significant contribution in all the issues published in one volume.
- Guidelines/Scorecard for ranking the research papers for awarding the ANRCM BEST RESEARCH PAPER in a volume.