- Conservation and Management of natural resources of the country using modern approaches and techniques.
- To Communicate and educate the technical and latest advanced knowledge of soil and water conservation, forest, ecosystem, livestock, wildlife, micro flora and management of degraded lands and poor quality waters on no-profit basis.
- To promote improved practices for management of soil and water conservation, survey, management of degraded lands, soil health management, climate change, rainwater harvesting, water management, runoff, eco-restoration, wildlife, animal welfare and related issues by undertaking research projects, consultancy and advisory.
- Coordinate with different agencies/ organizations for better management of natural resources.
- Development and management of micro water resources as a vital pre-requisite of bio-production, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, land management, rural development, environmental protection and other bio-resources uses and conservation programmes.
- To promote basic and applied education, research, human resource development, capacity building, skill development with the help of information system for rural development.
- To encourage professional and farmers for management of natural resources and recognizing the commendable work in the field of NRM, the academy shall confer awards, honours and recognitions to individuals, teams and farmers.
- To organise skill development programmes for the volunteers, students, researchers and officials of Government/NGOs which are essentially required to serve better in the development sector.
- To disseminate information and knowledge, to edit, publish and print literature, Journal, Bulletins, books, manuals, monographs, policy papers and documents.
- To promote participation of youth (unemployed as well as students) in management of natural resources for livelihood improvement activities.
- To establish and/or promote educational, professional and vocational institutions that would strengthen the developmental process.
- To organise lectures, conferences, seminars, symposium and workshops to spread awareness on conservation and management of natural resources to help or strengthen the character building process.